The Dandruff Dilemma | What Causes Dandruff and How to Get Rid of It

Dandruff Dilemma:

Malassezia has everything it requires right here in this opulent jungle. It is in heaven, continually feasting. But hold on, what’s that? In actuality, Malassezia is a species of yeast that resides on our scalps and feeds there. And in roughly 50% of people, it results in dandruff due to its action.

Why do some individuals have more dandruff than others? And how might it be handled?

Although we like to think of ourselves as individuals, we are actually colonies. Many billions of bacteria live on our skin. Shortly after we are born, Malassezia yeasts settle on our skin. The little spaces on our bodies known as follicles are very well-liked residences for animals. Due to the presence of glands that secrete sebum, an oil that is supposed to lubricate and reinforce our hair, Malassezia are drawn to these hiding places. Malassezia evolved to eat the proteins and lipids in human skin. Our scalp is one of the oiliest and hence one of the yeastiest parts of our body because to the large number of sebum-secreting follicles there.

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Dandruff Causes:

Dandruff may develop as these fungus feed on the oils on our scalp. Sebum contains both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which explains why. The grouping of saturated fats is orderly. Conversely, unsaturated fats have double bonds that result in an atypical link in their structure. Malassezia consume sebum by secreting an enzyme that liberates every fatty acid from the oil. However, they ignore unsaturated fats and solely take saturated fats. These misshaped scraps penetrate the skin and force the skin’s barrier open, enabling moisture to escape. When the body notices these breaches, it reacts defensively by inflaming the area, which gives dandruff its itchy appearance.

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In order to restore the broken barrier, it also causes the skin cells to multiply. Every two to three weeks, the epidermis, or outer layer of our skin, totally renews itself. The epidermis is the strong outer layer of the skin that gradually falls off in single, imperceptibly tiny cells after dividing, spreading outward, and dying. However, in dandruff, cells proliferate quickly to repair the breach in the barrier, which prevents them from fully maturing and differentiating. Instead, they gather around the hair follicle in large, oily clumps that shed as noticeable flakes. Dandruff is the result of Malassezia’s insatiable appetite and our body’s response to its byproducts.

Currently, killing Malassezia directly on the scalp with antifungals found in products like shampoos is the most efficient way to get rid of dandruff. When someone has dandruff, it typically comes and goes because sebum discharges shift throughout the course of their lives owing to hormonal changes. However, not everyone develops dandruff despite the fact that Malassezia colonises everyone to a similar degree.

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More people are at risk than others. Why is not quite obvious. Do those who suffer from dandruff have a particular hereditary disposition? Do they have a more permeable skin barrier? In order to determine whether dandruff sufferers indeed lose more water through their scalps and whether this is the cause of their skin cells proliferating, scientists are now conducting research on this topic.

Researchers are discovering that oxylipins, which are little, greasy chemicals that control inflammation, are the means through which Malassezia interacts with our immune system. They could create novel medicines if they can figure out how to suppress pro-inflammatory oxylipins and promote pro-anti-inflammatory ones. Researchers are also looking into whether our interaction with Malassezia has any advantages. They contend that dandruff, which may be bothersome and unsightly for people, provides yeast with a consistent source of fatty food. However, dandruff is not contagious and poses no risk to our health. Additionally, Malassezia appear to be particularly adept at protecting their domain—our skin—from other, more dangerous organisms like Staphylococcus aureus. So, even though researchers have solved many of the underlying puzzles, it must be acknowledged that dandruff is still a mystery.


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List of Tags:

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